

Advanced Java Coaching Center Vizag

JNNC Technologies Pvt.Ltd


Java has been one of the most popular programming languages for many years. Java is Object Oriented. However it is not considered as pure object oriented as it provides support for primitive data types (like int, char, etc).

Java is used in all kind of applications like Mobile Applications (Android is Java based), desktop applications, web applications, client server applications, enterprise applications and many more.

Advanced Java Coaching Center Vizag

Course Objectives


The Advanced Java Programming Learning Path is your one-stop guide to mastering recent Java platform updates. It contains detailed explanations of the latest programming advancements and language features introduced from Java 9 onwards. By taking this Leaning Path, you’ll acquire practical guidance on how to apply many of these new features. As you progress through the Learning Path, you’ll discover the key features to help you become more productive.

Advanced Java Coaching Center Vizag

Advanced Java Coaching Center Vizag

Things you will learn in Advanced Java Training

Things you will learn in Advanced Java Training

  • Introduction
  • JDBC Architecture with key interfaces

Thin is the great middleman

  • Types of Drivers

Make a statement and make an impact

  • Statement
  • PreparedStatement
  • CallableStatement

It is the nature of the self to manifest itself

  • Metadata

Swim out of your little pond

  • Connection Pooling
  • Basic Connection Pooling
  • Apache DBCP
  • HikariCP
  • C3PO

Invest in property

  • Properties File in JDBC

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much

  • Batch Processing

Validate a Transaction

  • ACID Properties

A knee-jerk reaction

  • Triggers

Load Data

  • ResourceBundle

Always a sweet deal

  • Transactions and Savepoint

Function Arsenal

  • Stored Procedures

Large Object Types

  • Handling Blob and Clob

Advanced Java Coaching Center Vizag

JEE Introduction to JEE SERVLETS Business class flight to Jakarta

  • Introduction to Servlets
  • Stand-Alone Applications V/s Enterprise Applications

Advanced Java Coaching Center Vizag

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