Module-6:Django REST Framework (Restful Web Services)
Django REST framework is another powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs. A REST API is a standardized way to provide data to other applications. Those applications can then use the data however they want. Sometimes, APIs also offer a way for other applications to make changes to the data.
- Rest API Introduction
- Understanding Rest API
- Creating REST API in Django
- POSTMAN – REST API testing
- Understanding Mixins
- REST API – Impl CRUD Operations Using Django
- Serialization Introduction
- DRF(Django REST Framework) Introduction
- Set up Django REST Framework
- Creating REST API in DRF
- Serializers
- Validations by using Serializers
- ModelSerializers
- DRF Views
- APIViews – Implementing CRUD Operations
- ModelViewSet – Implementing CRUD Operations
- REST API Security
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Secure REST Service
- Token based Authentication
- JWT Authentication
Module-7:MongoDB as No-SQL Data base
MongoDB is a powerful and popular NoSQL database that works on backend of any application to save the data. It is an open-source database and it works with almost any web programming platform. MongoDB offers multiple benefits for organizations such as being extremely flexible, scalable, faster, and it can run on a small RAM, which means we don’t need to buy high-end server technology for using MongoDB.
- Introduction to NoSQL Database
- Understanding need of NoSQL
- MongoDB Introduction
- Why MongoDB is Important
- Key feature of MongoDB
- Installing, Configuring MongoDB
- Creating Database
- Creating Collection
- MongoDB Operations
- Inserting Document
- Inserting Multiple Documents
- Updating Documents
- Reading a Document(Querying)
- Deleting Database
- Deleting Collection
- Deleting Document
- MongoDB, Django Integration
- Django, MongoDB, ORM CRUD Operations Implementation
Module-8: Kafka as Distributed Messaging System
Apache Kafka is a Distributed Publish-Subscribe Messaging & Streaming Platform to handle Real-Time Data.
- Introduction to Messaging System
- Types of Messaging Models (Queue, Topic)
- Why need Messaging System
- What is Kafka
- Kafka Architecture
- Kafka components in detail
- Producer
- Consumer
- Broker
- Cluster
- Topic
- Partitions
- Offset
- Consumer Groups
- Message Retention in Kafka
- Kafka Commit log
- Kafka Installation
- Kafka Starting Zookeeper
- Starting Kafka Server
- Starting Producer
- Starting Consumer
- Topic Operations: create, list, delete, describe
- Publishing data to topic using console producer
- Consuming data from topic using console consumer
- Publishing, Consuming messages from topic using Python
- Django, Kafka, MongoDB Integration
React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components. Redux is a Predictable State Container for JavaScript Applications. Redux also an open-source JavaScript library for managing and centralizing application state. It is most commonly used with libraries such as React or Angular for building user interfaces.
- ReactJS Introduction
- Reacts Tools
- NPM – Manage app’s dependencies & run tasks
- Babel – Compile ES6 to ES5
- Webpack – Bundle applications
- Babel & Webpack – Build process
- Creating build process – DEV & PROD
- Advanced JavaScript & ES6
- Functional programming in JavaScript
- Understand execution context & this keyword
- Control execution context with bind/call/apply
- Template strings
- Default arguments
- Rest and spread
- Arrow functions
- Destructing
- Modules
- Classes
- Promises
- Fetch
- Let & Const Keywords
- For Of loop
- Spread Operator
- First React Application
- Creating React Application
- Project Structure of React App
- Debugging React App
- component-based design
- Use one-way data flow and rendering
- Understanding the Virtual DOM
- virtual DOM versus the actual DOM
- Use createClass and render
- JSX Overview
- Components
- Component Introduction
- Class Components
- Functional Components
- Parent , Child Components
- States & Props
- What is a state
- setState Method
- Props in Class Components
- Props in Functional Components
- Event Handling
- Event Handling in Class Components
- Event Handling in Functional Components
- CSS in React
- Inline CSS
- Local CSS
- Manipulating CSS using Events
- Class Component Life Cycle Methods
- React Hook
- What is a React Hook
- useState Hook
- useEffect Hook
- Manipulating CSS using Hooks
- React Forms
- Forms Introduction
- Form Submission
- React Router
- Maps in React
- Conditional Rendering
- Local Storage
- Local Storage Intro
- Local Storage with Arrays and Objects
- Context-API
- What is Context API
- Implementing Context API
- Manipulating Components using Context API
- HTTP Methods
- Fetch Method
- Axios Method
- Return HTML Content using HTTP Methods
- Managing Application State using Redux
- Understanding Redux
- How Redux differs from Flux
- Define action creators
- Understand pure functions
- Understand simple reducers
- Implement a simple store
- Bind reducers to app store and components
- Refactor to container and presentational components
- Design larger state trees
- Understand combine reducers
- Use higher order containers with react-redux
Module-10:Integrating ReactJS & Django
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