
payroll platforms

Payroll platforms

Payroll Software | Complete Payroll Solution
Quick to set up, polished UI, and a fantastic support team. Zoho Payroll Customer.

Payroll made easy, scalable, and compliant with auto-completionpayroll platforms

With the simplified payroll software, spend less of your time on payroll and more of your time on growing business.

Our customers experience smooth movements, sweeping impacts

90% of Zoho Payroll customers switched from data entry spreadsheets to cloud-based payroll software.

70% of operations time saved by users on average after using Zoho Payroll.

4/5 customers experienced a hassle-free migration to Zoho Payroll, even in the final days of the fiscal year.

90% of our customers eliminate multiple-vendor communication through our pre-integrated apps.

The first of its kind integrated payroll ecosystem

With contextual data flow between relevant systems, and a secure-from-the-start approach, get your teams to work together.

Payroll experience redefined to be trouble free

Automatic payroll calculation

Run payroll in a few clicks and automatically generate payslips on-demand with a thorough breakdown of taxes, shares, and deductions.

Embrace diverse salary structure

Create multiple pay slabs for your company’s staff, leads, and managers and associate the right set of templates with each employee.

Pay employees on time, every time

Transfer employees’ salaries directly to their credit card accounts with timely online transfers and immediately available bank advice.

Straightforward statutory compliance

Steer your business clear of compliance penalties. We handle your statutory compliance with laws including PF, PT, ESI, LWF and IT and make filing easy with tax reports.

Encourage employee self self-service

Enable seamless collaboration between employees and your payroll staff and reduce the volume of employee requests.

Fine tune admin privileges

Invite your qualified staff to process payroll while you maintain control with user roles and roles-based access.payroll platforms

payroll platforms

Connected banking for timely job-related payments

Zoho Payroll has joined hands with HSBC, a leading British bank and YES Bank, so you can conduct salary transactions without leaving Zoho Payroll.

  • Recruit

 quality candidates with Zoho’s all-in-one career acquisition solution

Zoho Recruit offers a powerful ATS and CRM in a unique recruitment platform. With scalability, customization, and remote hiring tools, Recruit has everything your recruiter agency or internal HR team needs to identify the right candidate as well as the right role.payroll platforms

Leader – Talent Acquisition Technology Value Matrix 2022

Nucleus research named Zoho Recruit as a leader in the Talent Management space, recognizing its ability to maximize candidate drop-off and lay the groundwork for excellent employee engagement.payroll platforms

Automated hiring software for the entire job candidate journeypayroll platforms

Zoho Recruit’s world-class recruitment software will help you find, judge, and communicate with candidates for any role. That means a more efficient hiring process and new hires that add more value to your organization or your clients.

Create a candidate experience that can’t be overlooked

Post your jobs on 75+ job boards with a single click and share the listings instantly to all your social handles.

Build relationships right from recruitment, and make the right hire every time

Keep track of where your candidates are at every hiring stage and optimize your recruitment process with advanced analytics.

What’s the difference between an ATS and a recruitment CRM?
Why do I need hiring software for recruitment?
Why do I call for automation in recruitment?
What makes Zoho Recruit stands out from other service providers?

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